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Winter Harp.jpeg

Contest Closed!

We have a pair of tickets to give away for the December 21 Winter Harp concert at the St. Andrew's-Wesley United Church in downtown Vancouver!


There are two ways to enter:


1. Email your name using the contact form at the bottom of this page. Make sure you add the phrase

'Winter Harp' to your subject line.




2. Follow @MyVanChristmas on Twitter and then click below to post an entry via your Twitter feed.




The prize draw will be made––by our gift correspondent Max the cat––on December 7.

The winner will be notified by 6pm on the day after the draw. The winner must be able to attend the December 21 show.

Disclaimer: Vancouver Christmas Guide strives for accuracy in all its listings but cannot be held responsible for errors that may inadvertently occur. If you spot a mistake or have some updated information to provide for your listing, please inform us via the form at the bottom of the Work With Us page. Vancouver Christmas Guide is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ChristmasCatMax Industries Inc. This site is 100% A.I.-free.

All content © John Lee, unless otherwise stated.

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