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2024 - TBC

Blind Date

What (Information from 2023): A riotously entertaining comedy show where Mimi (in a role alternated between Tess Degenstein and Ali Froggat) goes on a very public blind date––with a different person who is plucked from the audience each night! You'll marvel at the amazing performance feat––combining improv, theatricality and social experiment––in a show that somehow generates countless laughs while also making its one-night-only-sidekick appear like a romantic hero who fully deserves to be celebrated. This edge-of-your-seat 90-minute (no intermission) production is a must-see this holiday season, and its exclusive Vancouver run comes after successive sold-out performances in Toronto, London and New York.


When: TBC


Where: Tightrope Impro Theatre, 2343 Main Street, Vancouver


Cost: TBC


​​For more information and to book tickets, visit the show's official webpage (2023 link disabled)

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